%L repo404 %X One of the global problems in the health system is health service fragmented and overlaps among the health profession. This phenomenon occurs due to a lack of communication and cooperation among health personnel so that the health service is not effective and efficient. The transformation of health service is needed through a comprehensive and collaborative health service, which focuses on the client. Intercollaboration capability cannot be formed spontaneously, but need training since they are on campus. So that interprofessional education (IPE) should be integrated into the curriculum and the learning process should give meaningful learning experiences that can make students from different professions interact and cooperate This study is a descriptive study that aims to describe curriculum development and the implementation of IPE in four applied bachelor study programs in Poltekkes Tanjungkarang. In curriculum development activity it was obtained the agreement of IPE learning was implemented through a theoretical lecture with one credit inserted in a related course, one credit of practicum, and three credits of clinical practicum in community. Curriculum development and IPE learning development in Poltekkes Tanjungkarang was implemented based on the commitment and cooperation of all parties. The implementation of IPE learning using Team-Based Learning (TBL) and evaluation with a website-based survey. %A Retno Puji Hastuti %A Warjidin Aliyanto %I Poltekkes Tanjungkarang %D 2020 %T Interprofessional Education: A Study of Curriculum Development and Implementation in Learning Process in Applied Bachelor Study Program in Health Polytechnic of Tanjungkarang