@phdthesis{repo2458, year = {2022}, month = {December}, title = {Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Pengobatan Pasien TB Paru (SISFOTBPARU) Berbasis Android Gateway}, school = {Poltekkes Tanjungkarang}, author = {Trigunarso, Sri Indra and Muslim, Zainal and Helmi, Helina and Riyanto, Riyanto}, abstract = {Latar Belakang: Upaya-upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah untuk menanganani TB sampai menghilangkan angka kejadian TB melalui berbagai macam kebijakan dan berbagai program belum mampu menjawab permasalahan yang ada. Sebuah program inovasi aplikasi berbasis teknologi informasi perlu dikembangkan untuk pemberdayaan dan pengembangan masyarakat yang dilakukan secara berkelanjutan disertai upaya pemantauan dari petugas kesehatan setempat. Tujuan: Mengembangkan aplikasi Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Pengobatan Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru (SISFOTBPARU) berbasis Android Gateway di Puskesmas Kampung Sawah kota Bandar Lampung. Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah actions research berupa pengembangan sistem (sistem development) aplikasi SISFOTBPARU. Subjek penelitian terdiri atas 5 responden yang terdiri atas kepala seksi penanggulangan penyakit menular, pengelola TB Paru di Dinas Kesehatan dan 3 orang petugas TB Paru Puskemas. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara mendalam serta menggunakan kuesioner. Tahapan pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan FAST (Framework for application of sistem tehnique) menggunakan metode aplikasi SISFOTBPARU Android Gaetway. Hasil: Studi memperoleh hasil pengembangan aplikasi sitem informasi berbasis web dengan fitur Android Gateway dengan lebel aplikasi SISFOTTBPARU. Dalam aplikasi SISFOTBPARU pasien dapat dilihat jadwal pengobatan, jadwal minum obat dan jadwal ambil obat berdasarkan tanggal yang diinginkan oleh petugas. Pengiriman pesan pengingat (SMS) lebih mudah dilakukan ke handphone pasien, dan terdapat rekapitulasi laporan pengobatan pasien TB Paru, dan grafik pengobatan pasien. Simpulan: Pengukuran aplikasi SISFOTBPARU dengan 4 jenis sistem diperoleh sistem usefulness, information quality, dan interface quality termasuk kategori Layak. Pengukuran secara keseluruhan overall satisfaction menunjukkan bahwa sistem informasi Overall satisfaction Pemantauan Pengobatan Pasien TB Paru termasuk kategori Layak. Sehingga, aplikasi SISFOTPARU dapat dilanutkan ke tahap uji coba. Abstract. Information Sistem for Pulmonary TB Patient Treatment Monitoring (SISFOTBPARU) Based on Android Gateway. Background: The efforts made by the government to deal with TB to eliminate the incidence of TB through various policies and various programs have not been able to answer the existing problems. An information technology-based application innovation program needs to be developed for sustainable community empowerment and development accompanied by monitoring efforts from local health workers. Purpose: This study is to develop an Android Gateway-Based Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patient Treatment Monitoring Information System (SISFOTBPARU) application in the Health Center of Kampung Sawah Bandar Lampung City. Methods: The type of reaction is action research in the form of the system development of the SISFOTBPARU application. The research subjects consisted of 5 respondents consisting of the head of the infectious disease control section, the management of pulmonary TB at the Health Office, and 3 officers of pulmonary TB at the Public Health Center. Data collection was carried out by observation, in-depth, interviews, and using a questionnaire. The stages of application development use FAST (Framework for application of system engineering) using the SISFOTBPARU Android Gateway application method. Results: The study obtained the results of developing a web-based information system application with the Android Gateway feature with the SISFOTTBPARU application label. In the SISFOTBPARU application, patients can see their treatment schedule, schedule for taking, medication, and schedule for taking medication based on the date desired by the officer. Sending reminder messages (SMS) is easier to do to the patient's cellphone, and there is a recapitulation of pulmonary TB patient treatment reports and patient treatment charts. Conclusion: Measurement of the SISFOTBPARU application with 4 types of systems obtained system usefulness, information quality, and interface quality including the Eligible category. The overall measurement of overall satisfaction shows that the Overall satisfaction information system for Monitoring Pulmonary TB Patient Treatment is in the Eligible category. So that, the SISFOTPARU application can be continued to the trial stage.}, url = {http://repository.poltekkes-tjk.ac.id/id/eprint/2458/} }