%L repo1566 %X More than 90% of food borne diseases are caused by microorganism contamination. BPOM noted in Indonesia, food products that are not in accordance with established standards increased by around 35%. A number of harmful substances that are used as additives for food and the presence of microbial contamination in food. In 2013 to 2015, reports of serious food poisoning increased from 48 to 61 cases in 34 provinces (BPOM, 2015). The purpose of this study was to identify whether or not the content of borax, formaldehyd, and rhodamine b in snacks sold in areas outside primary schools in the Keddam District, Bandar Lampung City in 2020. This type of research is quantitative research, using observational research designs with descriptive approach. This sampling technique is accidental sampling. The results of this study are from 20 food samples that are thought to contain Borax, Formalin and Rhodamin b. There were 2 samples of food that were positive containing borax and 9 samples of food that were negative containing borax. There were 3 samples of food that were positive containing formalin and 2 food samples that were negative containing formalin. And 3 positive food samples containing rhodamine b and 1 negative food sample containing rhodamine b. As for the advice that can be given, which is to pay attention to the effects of borax, formalin and rhodamine for body health, so to maintain the freshness or quality of hawker food new findings are needed in making preservatives and food coloring that are cheap, effective, efficient and do not endanger the safety of food ingredients that are increasing in the community. Keywords : Snack food, Borax, Formaldehyd, Rhodamine b Reading list : 9 (2002-2019) %A putri wulandari %I Poltekkes Tanjungkarang %D 2020 %T PEMERIKSAAN KANDUNGAN ZAT ADITIF BERBAHAYA PADA MAKANAN JAJANAN DI KAWASAN LUAR SEKOLAH DASAR DI KECAMATAN KEDAMAIAN KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG TAHUN 2020