@phdthesis{repo1396, school = {Poltekkes Tanjungkarang}, year = {2022}, title = {EFEKTIFITAS PENGGUNAAN JAHE DAN MADU DALAM UPAYA MEREDAKAN BATUK DAN MELEGAKAN TENGGOROKAN PADA BALITA DI PMB MARDHATI, S.ST LAMPUNG SELATAN}, month = {October}, author = {Damayanti, Evita Aisyah}, url = {http://repository.poltekkes-tjk.ac.id/id/eprint/1396/}, abstract = {Acute Respiratory Infections or ARI is an infection that attacks the throat, nose and lungs. In Indonesia, ARI is a disease that often occurs in toddlers. The incidence of ARI in Lampung reached 26.6\% while the prevalence of ARI at the age of toddlers in Lampung Province was 31.5\%. Traditional treatment of ARI can use ginger honey herbal drink because it is very effective and safer to use. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of ginger and honey in efforts to relieve cough and clear throat in toddlers at PMB Mardhati S.St, South Lampung and with Varney's 7-step Midwifery management approach and documented in the form of SOAP. The method used is a case study, where the author provides care for maternity mothers, namely An.A aged 3 years at PMB Mardhati, S.ST. in taking cases using the format of midwifery care for toddlers using SOAP. Data collection techniques by conducting interviews, physical examination, observation and documentation. Application of giving honey ginger drink for coughs and throat relief given for 3 days on March 18, 2022. After a case study was conducted on An.A, there was a decrease in coughing and throat relief. After this case study, it was hoped that the use of honey ginger drink could reduce coughing and relieve throat pain and could be applied as one of the midwifery care for children with ARI. Keywords: ARI, Ginger, Honey Reading list : 22 ( 2011-2019 )} }