@phdthesis{repo1278, title = {PENERAPAN KOMPRES DAUN DADAP PADA BAYI. A DEMAM DI PMB RAHAYU, S.Tr. Keb LAMPUNG SELATAN}, year = {2022}, month = {October}, school = {Poltekkes Tanjungkarang}, url = {http://repository.poltekkes-tjk.ac.id/id/eprint/1278/}, abstract = {Fever is an increase that occurs in body temperature with an increased set point in the hypothalamus, most of the fevers that occur in children are the result of changes in the thermoregulatory heat center in the hypothalamus where the brain sets a temperature above the normal setting, the body will produce feverish heat at a higher temperature. Individuals experience an increase in body temperature above normal, namely {\ensuremath{>}} 37.5 C, the fever is not dangerous if it is below 39.0 C and a single measurement does not describe the fever increasing. Fever is a disorder that occurs in infants. (above a person's normal body temperature). The description above causes the writer to be motivated to make a Final Project Report with the title "Application of Dadap Serep Leaf Compresses in Fever Babies". The purpose of doing midwifery care for By. A to treat fever using Dadap Serep Leaf Compress in infants can be overcome. The method used in data collection is the application of the 7-step varney method to treat infants with fever. Data collection was also carried out by conducting interviews with Mrs. D as the mother of By. A and also a physical examination includes inspection, palpation, auscultation, and observation. After the care, the fever in By. A experienced a decrease in temperature from 37.8 C the temperature before being compressed to 36.4 C after being compressed, in the management of fever, it can be concluded that the use of Dadap Serep Leaf Compress can reduce fever. Keywords: Fever, Dadap Serep Leaf compress Reading list: 14 (2012-2022)}, author = {AISYA, NABILA SHAFA} }